Less Guesswork in Stock Trading

We each tend to think that we see things as they are and that we are objective but this is not true. How many times did you think the stock have every reason to go up but it went the opposite way? Is there a trading tool that can help you to see the market more […]

AbleTrend Trade Signal Results for Day Trading ES and NQ for the Week of November 17

Here are a few charts of recent Emini day-trading charts with AbleTrend Guidance Charts applied. As you can see from the above charts AbleTrend Guidance Charts are easy to follow and the rules makes day trading simple. View more recent Guidance Charts applied for Eminis, stocks, futures, and FOREX at AbleTrend Chart Library. You may […]

No More Roller Coaster Again in Trading

What’s the best price to buy at the dip in the market? How far is too far for the stock pullbacks? When to sit tight with the winners? When to cut the losers short? These are common questions that traders and investors have in mind.  Trading Like Roller Coaster Without Proper Risk Management Trader Steve who […]

Stay Protected While Pursuing Big Profits

Always stay protected while pursuing big profits in the market is the key factor for a trader or investor to survive and thrive in the market. AbleTrend’s guidance chart can help you to do just that. Buy on blue and sell on red, AbleTrend’s no trade zones help you to stay away from the choppy […]

Powerful Tool for Cultivating Winning Traders

Four Essential Characters of Traders/Investors The essential characters of traders/investors can be captured in the profit/loss matrix diagrammed as below. Basically, we belong to one of the characters.  Profit/Loss Matrix The two factors that define a character or trader are profit and loss. Quadrant I character tends to take the small profit and run because […]

Setting up S/R Alerts for Sweet Spots

The S/R alert is a function of AbleTrendTS.  A previous post described using the S/R Alert to cue us into sweet spot trade setups.  You can turn it on/off in the format indicators window: Under Format Indicator > Select AbleTrendTS Ensure that Alerts are turned on Under ‘Advanced Settings’ > Check On: ‘S/R Alert On/Off’ Define […]

Buy/Sell Alerts Just Before the Sweet Spots

Wasting time and energy by waiting along in a sideway market isn’t just frustrating, it’s the number one problem that day traders face. Sideways markets and false breakouts can trap traders into losing trades.   This unproductive noise drains resources & traders are often worn out when real opportunities show up. With this message we’ll […]