AbleTrend 8.0

Lease or Buy. All Markets, One Price!

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Annual Lease

AbleTrend End of Day (EOD) version, only support daily, weekly, monthly charts. For Position trading. All features enclosed.

AbleTrend Real Time version, support any minute chart, tick charts, daily, weekly, monthly charts. For day trading, swing trading and position trading. All features enclosed.

AbleTrend Real Time (RT) Add-on for eSignal

AbleTrend Real Time (RT) Add-on for NinjaTrader

Note: $299.17/month for a 12 month prepaid basis ($3,590/Year)

Full Purchase

AbleTrend End of Day (EOD) version, only support daily, weekly, monthly charts. For Position trading. All features enclosed.

AbleTrend Real Time version, support any minute chart, tick charts, daily, weekly, monthly charts. For day trading, swing trading and position trading. All features enclosed.

Upgrade from AbleTrend 7.0

AbleTrend Real Time (RT) Add-on for eSignal

AbleTrend Real Time (RT) Add-on for NinjaTrader

Software Maintenance for Permanent Users

For permanent users, software update in the first year is FREE. After the first year, yearly maintenance fee is $390/year. If you did not order the yearly maintenance for more than 2 years from the date you ordered the software, it will be $780 to start the yearly maintenance. With yearly maintenance fee, you may get all the latest data modules, EOD data for stocks, futures, forex and mutual funds etc., unlimited software updates and free technical and trading support.

Order Software Maintenance


  • AbleTrend stand alone and each add-on product for NT, MT4 or eSignal are different products. Special product license is required for each individual product.
  • All prices subject to change without further notice. Real time data is not included.
  • Trial Price Purchase Credit. If you choose to lease or purchase AbleTrend at the end of your 30 day trial, we will credit the price you paid for the trial towards your lease or purchase price. Just mention this offer to get the discount.
  • 30-day trial is for new users only, and limited one per client.
  • You don't need to call or send e-mail to cancel AbleTrend 30-day trials. The trial is an one-time deal. It will expire by itself.
  • No further charges will be applied to AbleTrend 30-day trials unless you choose to upgrade.
  • For all monthly or yearly license, it's automatically renewed. You can cancel the monthly or yearly lease of AbleSys products before the license expiration date by sending e-mail to
  • All monthly, annual, or permanent products are non-refundable.
  • For your protection, verbal cancellation or after the expiration date is not accepted.
  • Real Time & EOD Data Modules (THE DATA) are not a part of our software. They are optional and based on courtesy of AbleSys. (1) AbleSys does not guarantee the accuracy of THE DATA; and (2) In no event will AbleSys Corporation be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Trading Signals.
  • Real time data feed is not included in AbleTrend software.
  • Apple computer works fine - the user can select "Virtual PC" mode, about $80. Either software will work, Parallels or Fusion by VMWare
  • Trading futures and foreign currency involves substantial risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.