
"I have spent over $30,000 on trading software over the years. eASCTrend is the first piece of trading software that I come across, which is simple to use and has a built in algorithm that actually works and can consistently make money." - G.C. Perth, Australia


Before buying a trading software, ask yourself these questions. Understanding what behind Green lights/Red lights, 80% accurate, winning rate, Stops, Money Management etc.

Comparison of AbleSys Software with Others

11. How to cut losses short?

Beware of an inability to cut losses short. Why do some people lose big? It is mainly because they cannot cut losses short. Some traders still keep the losing trades alive and hope the market will turn to their favor. In fact, many experienced traders say if a position goes against you with a few bars, get out! Ablesys software offers dynamic stops to manage your initial risks and ongoing risks. If you can follow the objective stops inside the program, you can avoid major losses that are the number one reason for trading failure and disaster.



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