
"I have spent over $30,000 on trading software over the years. eASCTrend is the first piece of trading software that I come across, which is simple to use and has a built in algorithm that actually works and can consistently make money." - G.C. Perth, Australia


Comparison of AbleSys Software with Others

FeatureseASCTrend 6.0 MechanicaleASCTrend 6.0 HTMOther Indicators/lightsOther Systems
Backtesting reports to validate strategies
Optimal/specific trailing stops
Time-tested/Award winning?
NFA(National Futures Association) member??
Robustness/Any markets??
Universal/Any intervals, trading styles??
100% mechanical to remove guessworkNear fully mechanical
Hands-free Auto Order Execution(AOE)*?*
Release of underlying indicators(non black-box)N/AMost no. No release of underlying indicators
Transparent settings (non curvefitting)N/AMost no. Settings could vary according to time.
Easy of use??
Long-term winning track records/back testingN/A?
Money management?
Risk management?

* "Seamless link" is just an icon link to link the charting software with brokerage order execution platform . It still needs manual order input and execution. Ablesys AOE(Auto Order Execution) is a true hands-free order execution where the orders are executed completely by software and there is no need for traders' supervision.


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